Monday, September 21, 2009


Cello, originally uploaded by Gerald5970.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I got a speedlight!

I got a speedlight!, originally uploaded by Gerald5970.

And the tree is lit during an early morning sunrise at ASU, near the Art Museum and Galvin Playhouse. I used one SB-900 and built in flash on my D-90. Man, this strobe stuff is fun!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Time to scare parents

Self Portrait, originally uploaded by Gerald5970.

Time to update teh blog, scare parents,mention devious schemes, debate debauchery and write about writing.

So general overview: Life goes on, I've been doing homework, coffee drinks and food, with some class, lab and sleep thrown in for a healthy mixed salad. Photography's been a blast, and I'm also working through English, math, art history and digital media.

The biggest stress is actually coming from ASU's financial department. Due to our familial work(less) situation and extra burdens from extended family (Hint: the Old Soldier), I'm due to receive a fair amount of aid (I hope anyway). But, so far ASU has decided to not decide how much I am to receive.

I've bee going for bike rides around town with a camera and tripod. It's a cool way to explore more of what this town has to offer. I've gotten to meet new people and see some pretty cool stuff.

In my neighborhood there's a coffee place that's got awesome coffee. The Cartel Coffee Lab buys organic and roasts it on site. Saying that they take coffee seriously would be understatement.

Warning: Rebellion Section!

Friday's events lead to Living Canvas Tattoos on Mill Ave in Tempe. It was a clean quiet place. They'd just moved into a new, larger location a couple buildings down the street from the previous one. The procedure was pretty quick, it took longer to scrub the area to be pierced and to unwrap all of the surgical equipment, the needle and the barbell. The piercing was pretty straightforward, and apparently there aren't so many nerve endings in the eyebrow. Everything went well and I'm in the clear as long as I practice good hygiene and keep it clean.

I am really happy with the piercing and I've had no issues with it so far.

Saturday was our first sailing practice. Attendance was great and even though wind was light, we had a good time with all of our fleet in the water, both FJs, the Coronado 15, the Hobie and teh Martin.

Sunday we raced in the AYC series. My biggest adventure was a capsize, but I kept all but my ankles dry by hopping onto the daggerboard as the boat rolled under and hopping back once it started coming up.

I think it's gonna be a good week.

White River Canyon

White River Canyon, originally uploaded by Gerald5970.

This is where "Oh my beautiful, that's God," happened.