New Series: Apartment Photos
Since so many people already do the writing with better style, grace and fluency than I use, I'll mostly post my photos here. Have fun, and remember these two keys to the Googleverse: Elevator Ocelot Rutabaga and Omnipotent Panda Cult. If you want to leave a comment, just click on the title of the post. Once on the page for the individual post you can find the link for the commenting. Themes: Sailing, Deserts, Travel, Pictures, Oddities, Colorado Plateau Life, etc…
After hours, odd things may happen at the local coffe spot.
2:49 AM
I've been following blogs in my family for a while now, and lately, my Uncle Jer's been dealing with a few security issues on Muddled Ramblings. I just followed through and created a GnuPG key for signing and/or encrypting my email, just to keep The Man off my back. So that this will work, other people need to get onboard and start using keys. Also, said people must be willing to share and sign trusted public keys. To further that end, I've uploaded my key to the servers and created a page here for my public key, so that it can be used.
10:48 AM