Cloudy Mountain
Yeah, I'm cheating and playing it forward. Here's what the weather looked like a few hours ago, when we were heading south down I 25.
Since so many people already do the writing with better style, grace and fluency than I use, I'll mostly post my photos here. Have fun, and remember these two keys to the Googleverse: Elevator Ocelot Rutabaga and Omnipotent Panda Cult. If you want to leave a comment, just click on the title of the post. Once on the page for the individual post you can find the link for the commenting. Themes: Sailing, Deserts, Travel, Pictures, Oddities, Colorado Plateau Life, etc…
Yeah, I'm cheating and playing it forward. Here's what the weather looked like a few hours ago, when we were heading south down I 25.
10:32 PM
10:16 AM
As I'm sure all two of the regular readers have noticed, I haven't kept up with my idea of shooting interesting things daily to post on this blog. I've even spent the past few days with fast internet and the camera have all been on standby, but the shootingI have done was totally mundane, and I haven't even done much of that. I've been taking it easy with lots of tea and a bit of coffee, added to a diet rich in cookies and turkey. Throw in some extra family, computer stuffs and a house full of good reading, and you see where I'm at. I should be doing better with a return to 'burque and a leave from reliable internet.
10:51 PM
So, now that christmas is here, I can talk about the Dell Mini 10v that I now have running on Mac OS X 10.6. I used Network Boot Maker and EP45UD3P to make a bootable USB stick with an image of Snow Leopard. Gizmodo and Lifehacker both have clear guides for the process, and they probably are better explainers than I. Anyhows, it seems to be a decent stable build, and there haven't been any problems, yet.
8:36 PM
7:07 PM
2:05 AM
9:41 PM
9:40 PM
10:02 PM
11:10 PM
While I was in Albuquerque, I took a few minutes to take some pictures. I got Dulce in a quiet mode, snoozing on the back of a chair. I bounced the light from the SB 900 off the wall behind and to my right.
9:07 PM
11:04 PM
Yeah, I can't say much now, but they have annoyed me.
Hint to Dell: If you read this, I want you to communicate about important things, which you didn't even attempt, even though you had all of my contact information. What you did sucks, and by not giving me the slightest hint of any problems, I sat here blissfully ignorant of your ineptitude, which apparently started last week and will not be resolved until next week. So, yeah, please let me know next time you want to screw me over. Maybe by talking to the customer you could fix your errors. Or better yet, don't drop the ball in the first place.
6:39 PM